HPV_DNA_Study, Canada

Certification Status: Approved
Registration Status: Completed

Objective: Primary Objectives: To evaluate the prognostic significance of detectable plasma HPV DNA following radical chemoradiation in patients with locally advanced cervical cancer. Secondary Objectives: To determine if plasma HPV DNA is more accurate than FDG-PET scan in identifying residual/recurrent disease at 3 months post chemoradiation in locally advanced cervical cancer.

Registered Biobank Name HPV_DNA_Study
Biobank Leader Zhen Zhao
Country Canada
Email for biobank inquiries zhen.zhao@uhnresearch.ca
Principal Investigator Scott V Bratman
User Type
  • Mono: A biobank that supports a specific research project, may have few staff members, a small-scale accrual scope with little to no initial intention of releasing or distributing biospecimens to secondary parties
  • Oligo: A biobank that supports several research groups or clinical trials, may or may not be designed to release biospecimens outside their collaborative group
  • Poly: A biobank that has generally a larger accrual scope, resources, and multiple users outside the biobank proper
Mono - Collection aimed at supporting a specific, single research project
Biospecimen Collected: