RRCancer - Banque cancer de l'ovaire - CRCHUM, Canada

Certification Status: Approved
Registration Status: Completed

Objective: The RRCancer is a provincial network which includes support for biobanking. The Banque de données et de tissues (BTD) is an axis of this network, that focuses on solid tumors. Among its priorities, the network has identified ovarian and breast cancer which it supports directly. The BTD also provides infrastructure support to other solid tumor biobanks in the province of Quebec (including lung, prostate, head and neck, hepato-biliary and colon). The ovarian biobank at the Centre de recherche du CHUM is one of four major sites collects specimens related to ovarian cancer. The material of the biobank is available to researchers in Quebec and elsewhere based on specific conditions related both to ethics and to the mission of the network.

Registered Biobank Name RRCancer - Banque cancer de l'ovaire - CRCHUM
Biobank Leader Manon de Ladurantaye
Country Canada
Email for biobank inquiries anne-marie.mes-masson@umontreal.ca
Principal Investigator Anne-Marie Mes-Masson
User Type
  • Mono: A biobank that supports a specific research project, may have few staff members, a small-scale accrual scope with little to no initial intention of releasing or distributing biospecimens to secondary parties
  • Oligo: A biobank that supports several research groups or clinical trials, may or may not be designed to release biospecimens outside their collaborative group
  • Poly: A biobank that has generally a larger accrual scope, resources, and multiple users outside the biobank proper
Poly - Collection aimed at supporting undetermined, multiple users with ethics approved research projects, through a defined access/application mechanism.
Biospecimen Collected: