The Esophageal and Gastric Data- and Bio-Bank (EGDB Bank), Canada

Certification Status: Approved
Registration Status: Completed

Objective: The goal of this data- and biobank is the conservation of biological materials and their derivatives, collected from consenting participants with suspicious lesions or confirmed malignancies of the esophagus and/or stomach, to allow future research on the biology of esophageal and gastric diseases, including cancer.

Registered Biobank Name The Esophageal and Gastric Data- and Bio-Bank (EGDB Bank)
Biobank Leader Nick Bertos
Country Canada
Email for biobank inquiries NICHOLAS.BERTOS@MAIL.MCGILL.CA
Principal Investigator Dr. Lorenzo Ferri
User Type
  • Mono: A biobank that supports a specific research project, may have few staff members, a small-scale accrual scope with little to no initial intention of releasing or distributing biospecimens to secondary parties
  • Oligo: A biobank that supports several research groups or clinical trials, may or may not be designed to release biospecimens outside their collaborative group
  • Poly: A biobank that has generally a larger accrual scope, resources, and multiple users outside the biobank proper
Poly - Collection aimed at supporting undetermined, multiple users with ethics approved research projects, through a defined access/application mechanism.
Biospecimen Collected: