Essentials of Biobanking Course
The purpose of the Essentials of Biobanking Course is to give you a general overview of the key issues in establishing, maintaining and accessing a biobank.
The education program includes 9 online modules designed to provide 'how-to' knowledge for researchers and biobankers and 'what is' knowledge for stakeholders (e.g. public, ethics board members). The program was developed by Canadian biobanking professionals and modified with country-specific content with input from international biobanking experts.
Sign Up to access the online 9 module Essentials of Biobanking course.
The education program includes 9 online modules designed to provide 'how-to' knowledge for researchers and biobankers and 'what is' knowledge for stakeholders (e.g. ethics board members). The program was developed by Canadian biobanking professionals and modified with country-specific content with input from international biobanking experts.
The titles and focus of each module are listed below:

- Module 1 - Overview of Research Biobanking
- This module provides an introductory overview of biobanking including key issues in establishing, maintaining and accessing a biobank.
- Module 2 - Governance and Planning
- The overall objective of this module is to introduce you to the concept of biobank governance and its importance to the everyday operations of a biobank. Further, this module will give you an overview of key topics in biobank planning including the need for business and continuity planning and important concepts in legacy planning for biobanks.
- Module 3 - Ethics, Privacy and Security
- This module discusses the importance of ensuring that biospecimens and personal health-related information are used ethically and optimally for research purposes.
- Module 4 - Facility Design and Safety
- This module provides you with information on the fundamental physical components of a biobank facility. It also covers the importance of biobank facility design and security in maintaining a safe environment.
- Module 5 - Quality Management and Process Improvement
- This module provides general information on the importance of quality management and process improvement for biobanks.
- Module 6 - Informed Consent
- The purpose of this module is to identify and describe processes related to informed consent in the biobank setting.
- Module 7 - Biospecimen Collection and Processing
- This module provides an overview of the types of biospecimens commonly collected and stored in a biobank and the procedures involved in biospecimen collection and processing.
- Module 8 - Biospecimen Storage and Distribution
- This module provides an overview of proper biospecimen storage, retrieval and sample distribution procedures for a biobank.
- Module 9 - Data Systems and Records Management
- This module provides an overview of the types of data systems and records management systems used for storing biospecimen data.