Neurogenetics, Canada

Registration Status: Completed

Objective: The Neurogenetics Tissue Biobank at the Hotchkiss Brain Institute under University of Calgary was generated to support and knowledge translation in child and youth mental illness and on developing a world-class program of research that will contribute to prediction, prevention, and early intervention in these diseases. Special focus on three major areas: i. Population Neurogenetics and Precision Medicine ii. Autism Spectrum Project: Harnessing the Power of Population-Based Samples for Gene x Environment iii. International OCD Consortium, Neuroimaging, and OCD for the Child and adolescent. Our Biobank currently supports various projects at Alberta, Ontario, Quebec and Michigan (US) areas.

Registered Biobank Name Neurogenetics
Biobank Leader S-M Shaheen
Country Canada
Email for biobank inquiries
Principal Investigator Dr. Paul Arnold
User Type
  • Mono: A biobank that supports a specific research project, may have few staff members, a small-scale accrual scope with little to no initial intention of releasing or distributing biospecimens to secondary parties
  • Oligo: A biobank that supports several research groups or clinical trials, may or may not be designed to release biospecimens outside their collaborative group
  • Poly: A biobank that has generally a larger accrual scope, resources, and multiple users outside the biobank proper
Biospecimen Collected: